Monday, February 4, 2019

A Short Drive Away, the Largest Steerable Radio Telescope

The Green Bank radio telescope weighs 17 million pounds, can rotate 360 degrees in 9 minutes,
and can pick up space radio waves from as far as 14 million light years away. / Picture: Marguerite Gallorini
Two hours by car west of Harrisonburg, the Green Bank Observatory is home to the world’s largest steerable radio telescope.  This facility owned by the National Science Foundation might be, well, under the radar, but it’s being used for some very forward-thinking projects you might not expect – including a search for extra-terrestrial intelligence. WMRA’s Marguerite Gallorini has more.
It is not easy getting to Green Bank. To reach this small West Virginia town of only 143 residents, you have to wind through mountain roads for about an hour. And suddenly there it is, sitting in the valley: a 500-foot tall radio telescope – the Green Bank Telescope, or “GBT” for short.
The reason this telescope needs to be out of sight, lodged in the middle of the Allegheny Mountains, is to provide a natural barrier against radio interferences from surrounding cities. The GBT is aiming to catch faint radio waves from as far as fourteen million light years away. Sue Ann Heatherly, Senior Education Officer at the Green Bank Observatory, explains how it works:
SUE ANN HEATHERLY: The dish is a mirror. So imagine that, if you're trying to look at stars through a telescope, you're going to point your telescope at a star; that light from the star is going to hit the mirror in your telescope and bounce up into your eye. The same thing happens with the radio telescope - the difference is that our mirror is not very shiny: it is white. And if there are objects out there in the universe that emit radio waves, we can see those radio waves by pointing our dish in the right direction.
That is the specificity of the GBT: it is the world’s largest steerable radio telescope. That means that this seventeen-million-pound metallic structure can rotate 360 degrees in only nine minutes, which means it can cover 85% of the sky, while most other radio telescopes are fixed and can’t cover as much sky surface.
And, as sensitive as it is, a simple cell phone could interfere with the signals it is trying to capture. So, besides the mountains, the observatory also benefits from the National Radio Quiet Zone: a 13,000-square-mile national preserve for radio astronomy, which covers a part of West Virginia, Virginia, and Maryland, and where cell phone towers are more regulated. But in Green Bank, in particular, there is no cell phone reception at all – a fact that tour guide Rebekah Anderson jokes about:
REBEKAH ANDERSON: When I went to college, where cell phone service – obviously, they're used to it – an ice breaker was always like "What's your name and major, and what's an interesting fact about yourself" and I would always say "I live in a place with no cell phone service" and everybody was just shocked.
More than half of the observatory’s funding comes from the NSF [National Science Foundation], with the rest provided by university or private projects.  One of those funding streams is for a project called Breakthrough Listen, also known as SETI – as in Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. It takes up 20% of the telescope’s time, looking for signs of alien intelligence.
HEATHERLY: The whole idea of using a radio telescope to search for signals from other civilizations was launched right here in Green Bank in 1960. Over the intervening years, a project would pop up here and there and SETI research would come back to Green Bank – but this is the first one, this Breakthrough Listen project is the first really well-funded systematic search where we don't have to worry about the project being canceled.
Recently, Heatherly says, the Green Bank Observatory also partnered with NASA on the InSight lander project, which is studying the interior of Mars and listening for Marsquakes.
HEATHERLY: This is a spacecraft that's been traveling toward Mars since May [of 2018], and it had a very tricky landing sequence and it was producing a little signal that the GBT could detect… Sometimes we work with NASA on these things. So we had a party – we had a landing party and it's just really exciting and uplifting to see some of the good that's going on, you know, science-wise.
The GBT’s influence is also reflected locally. It’s very important to nearby West Virginia University, where the astronomy department has expanded. Andrew Seymour is a staff scientist at the observatory, and previously studied at WVU. Last year, he took part in the discovery of mysterious bursts of radio emission, called Fast Radio Bursts – “FRBs” for short. Those are the same kinds of signals detected by a Canadian telescope from another part of space just last month.
ANDREW SEYMOUR: When you have a supernova and that explodes, it causes the core to collapse, it gets compressed. So this is basically the last step it can take before it becomes a black hole.
And when it gets compressed, it spins around like a lighthouse – and every time it spins around, there’s a flash of light which the telescope can time very accurately.
SEYMOUR: These objects are actually being used to help discover gravitational waves. It's what we call timing, or when we should expect these pulses to arrive – it could be due to the fact that a gravitational wave came through our galaxy.
Because of the big projects going on in this small West Virginia town, local residents don’t seem to mind being off the grid, for the sake of scientific progress. Donnie Ervin works at Trent’s, a nearby general store, and he says he loves being around the observatory.
DONNIE ERVIN: I like it here. They do some pretty interesting stuff; I love to read the articles whenever they find something new. Growing up around it, it's just part of the community.
This story appeared on WMRA News.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Town with No Wi-Fi: Anyone Out There?

Green Bank, W. Va, is home to the Green Bank Observatory and the world's largest steerable radio telescope:
the Green Bank Telescope. / Picture: Marguerite Gallorini

Green Bank, W.Va.—the town with no Wi-Fi or cell phones—is home to one of the world’s largest radio telescopes searching for alien signals

Lodged in the valley of the misty Allegheny Mountains in West Virginia, the Green Bank Telescope sits royally in the middle of a field, its giant dish pointed towards the sky to catch radio waves emitted from space. These naturally occurring radio waves tend to be very weak and can come from as far as fourteen million light years away.

That is why the Green Bank Telescope—part of the Green Bank Observatory—sits in this valley: the mountains act as a convenient natural barrier against radio interferences from surrounding cities, allowing the telescope to do its intergalactic research peacefully.

What’s being done there?

The Green Bank Telescope (GBT) is the largest fully steerable radio telescope in the world: 485-foot tall—that makes it higher than the Statue of Liberty. It has a 110-meter dish that has a surface area of 2.3 acres—that means you could easily fit two football fields in there.

While there are other larger telescopes out there, the GBT is unique: this 17-million pound metallic structure can rotate 360 degrees in only nine minutes, which means it can cover 85 percent of the sky.

“The GBT is in kind of that happy little medium where if you have a smaller dish you can cover more sky; but you don’t have as much sensitivity,” says staff scientist Andrew Seymour. And the more sensitivity means the more radio waves you can detect.
“So you’re right in that curve between sensitivity and sky coverage.”

Seymour recently helped in the discovery of mysterious bursts of radio emission, called Fast Radio Bursts (FRB), which may be coming from near another galaxy’s black hole. The telescope is also used by universities across the country and by Breakthrough Listen, also known as SETI—Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence.

SETI takes up 20% of the telescope’s time. “SETI has a back end on the telescope that’s constantly recording and trying to detect signals like [FRBs], but it’s looking for techno-signatures rather than natural-occurring events.”

Technosignatures—or technomarkers—are non-natural measurable signs that indicate the presence of past or present technology: signs that could prove the presence of an alien world.

“The whole idea of using a radio telescope to search for signals from other civilizations was launched right here in Green Bank in 1960,” says Sue Ann Heatherly, senior education officer at Green Bank Observatory.

The project was sustained for Green Bank in 2016 by a $100-million donation from Israeli-Russian entrepreneur and physicist Yuri Milner. Breakthrough Listen is part of the greater Breakthrough Initiatives, a scientific program that Yuri Milner started in 2015, dedicated to the investigation of this question: are we alone in the universe?
The Green Bank Observatory / Picture: Marguerite Gallorini

Along with two other telescopes, Green Bank will help provide a complete survey of the one million nearest stars, the center of our galaxy, and the 100 nearest galaxies.

Who would have thought that this West Virginia town, away from everything and kept out of sight by lengthy, lacey mountain roads, is home to futuristic science looking at one of the biggest questions humanity has ever wondered?

How do you listen in on space?

For all of these groundbreaking projects, the telescope needs to detect very sensitive radio emissions —and the Allegheny Mountains are sometimes not enough against strong artificial radio waves. Anything from cell phones, digital cameras, smart watches, tablets, FitBits, TVs, Wi-Fi Internet, or microwave ovens can interfere with the telescope. It can come from more unusual sources too, says Green Bank tour guide Rebecca Anderson. “For example, we picked up interference from faulty wiring in someone’s doorbell once, so we just went down and fixed the doorbell for them. Simple as that.”

Another way against interferences is through the National Radio Quiet Zone: a 13,000-square-mile national preserve for radio astronomy, which covers a part of West Virginia, Virginia, and Maryland. In this zone, cell phone towers are more regulated—so technically, there is cell phone service in the Quiet Zone: just not in Green Bank, where there are only about 145 inhabitants. The closest place to get cell phone service is about 45 minutes south—and only if you have AT&T.

Donnie Ervin is a Green Bank resident and works at Trent’s, a local general store. He does not seem to mind the cell service situation: “Not a whole lot has changed. It’s pretty much the same as it was when I grew up— but I like it here. I like the quiet. I like it just the way it is.”

So, no hard feelings against the Observatory?

“I like the Observatory being here,” he says. “Growing up around it, it’s just part of the community. And when I was a kid, I used to take school trips there. They do some pretty interesting stuff. I love to read the articles whenever they find something new.”

All in all, life might be a little slower and somewhat stuck in the past at Green Bank. But everyone seems to be willing to take a small step back on modern technology if that means helping Green Bank Observatory make great leaps forward for science.

This story appeared in Blue Ridge Outdoors Magazine.